No need to apologize :) However, I disagree that most girls my age are interested in trivialities. We all have different interests and hobbies; I simply happen to be a young woman who likes writing and reading :)
I like your answer for the question about human desires, and I agree! If we all wanted the same things, we wouldn’t pursue different enough paths in life to enrichen our societies.
I admit, though, that when you asked about desire, I thought of human desires along the lines of our inner desires, like the ones Charlotte Fox Weber covers in her book, What We What: freedom, control, attention, power, connection, etc. According to Weber and psychodynamic theory, these are examples of humans’ underlying desires, which are the desires that explain more surface-level desires. For example, someone might desire a car, but the car is not the actual, true desire. The desire is attention, or maybe power. Or, someone might desire to get a girlfriend, but the romantic partner is not the actual, underlying desire. The desire is love, or maybe connection.
What are your thoughts on this?