The Only Real Way to Beat Procrastination
Back in 2022, I procrastinated almost everything.
I wanted to write online, but I waited for it to feel right. I needed to study, but I waited to feel motivated. I felt like starting a new hobby or taking my chance with someone new, but I waited until I lost that initial will.
In 2023, I stopped waiting.
I became an online writer, followed through with my studies, and pursued several new hobbies and close friendships. I stopped procrastinating. Even though I had seen or read hundreds of pieces on the topic (videos, articles, posts, books), only one thing actually mattered.
Only one thing led me to see a change in my life.

The Other Ways, Which Change Nothing
I would be wasting your time if I went through every single piece of advice there is about beating procrastination.
You know the kind. Building identity-centered habits, knowing your why, starting small, eating the frog. These are all principles and tools that help you on your journey from procrastination to productivity.
But the thing is, they are just tools. Really helpful tools, but just tools. Without a wielder, they are useless.
Alone, they change nothing.
The Only Way, Which Changes Everything
What does make a change is action.
The things I mentioned earlier are just additions to you and your actions. They might give you added strength or motivation, or they might provide you with insights that benefit your cause. In the end, they might make it a whole lot easier for you to finally take action.
But it is you that needs to take that action.
It is you that has the autonomy and power to beat procrastination.
So, if you want to start working out, you need to start working out. If you want to become a better student, you need to actually study. You can have all the equipment you want, but as long as you decide not to show up and use it, it remains completely unused and entirely useless.

In the end, the only difference between the current you (where you are now) and the ideal you (where you want to be) is a change in behavior.
One of you has taken a step forward, and the other has chosen to stay. The current you might have more motivation and resources to draw from, but it is the other you, the one who actually starts, that sees a change. You might take courses and read books and buy fancy equipment that is supposed to help, but if you yourself do nothing about your life, it remains the same.
In this case, it is not the thought that counts.
What counts is your choice to actually do it.
Before we depart, I leave you with my favorite quote.
It changes nothing on its own, but it might change your perspective on things, as it once did mine.
The best time to start was yesterday.
I say the right time to start is now.